To keep your customers loyal, the use of a French virtual number is not to be neglected. Especially when it comes to conversation, a process of great importance to succeed in maintaining a real relationship with your customers.  

Aware of this, at Octopush, our goal is to help our users to get closer to their loyal customers. This explains why we offer a communication service based on sms via virtual numbers. A service that offers many advantages that companies in France will be happy to benefit from. 

In any case, the question that arises in this file is: how to retain your customers thanks to the French cell phone? Find out right away thanks to this complete file on the subject.  

French virtual number

But first, what is a French virtual number? 

Conventionally, a virtual number is a cell phone number that is not directly associated with a single phone line. Instead, this mobile number is hosted in a cloud that allows a call or a sms to be redirected to one or more existing lines. A transfer that can be done on a mobile, a landline, and even a computer or a tablet, from an application like Skype for example. All this, with one condition, be connected to the Internet. 

The advantage of using a virtual phone number is that it is possible to choose the country in which it applies. When we talk about a French virtual number, we are talking about a virtual number having France as a locality. 

Nevertheless, it should be noted that the use of virtual numbers allows you to choose a locality of sending. You want to send an sms via an English number? You can choose the United Kingdom as a locality. The same goes for other European countries and some countries like Canada or the US.  

In any case, in a way, the main function of virtual numbers is the ability to redirect a call to one or more existing lines, but not only. In fact, the features offered by virtual numbers differ according to the providers used to obtain them. And precisely, the one of Octopush is quite different. 

Why choose a French virtual number from Octopush ?

At Octopush, we only focus on the conversational service via messages. In other words, our users use our services to send sms via virtual phone numbers. And this for marketing purposes, including customer loyalty. 

To facilitate this conversational service, we provide our users with a specialized chat platform. Accessible on computers and other devices, this application allows you to send direct messages to your customers’ numbers. This will allow you to achieve a read rate close to 100%. Indeed, according to recent figures, an SMS is 98% read. Unlike messages sent via social networks and via the internet. 

By opting for our conversational service based on sms, we ensure a perfect cohesion with your customers. Your communication with them will be much more effective, much more fluid.  What’s more, since we apply local rates, you can benefit from a certain discount. 

So, why hesitate? 

Why choose a French virtual number from Octopush ?

How to build customer loyalty with the help of sms via a French virtual number? 

So here is the heart of the matter, how to build customer loyalty with the help of Octopush cell phone sms? We propose you to discover with us 5 ideas to exploit. 

It will then be up to you to see which ones suit you best.  

Send an sms when your customer receives the product 

One of the best moments to send an sms via a cell phone is the day following the reception of the product. This is because your customer will certainly appreciate the fact that you care about their satisfaction with the product. A great way for you to connect with your customers. 

Send a virtual message after a double purchase 

At Octopush, we also suggest you to use your virtual phone number to send a sms after a double purchase. This time, the idea is to identify customers who have a real interest in your products. And a customer who makes a double purchase is a customer who remembers you, and therefore, a customer ready to be even more loyal. 

For example, you can consider sending a coupon code to a customer who has purchased more than once in a week. 

How to build customer loyalty with a French virtual number?

Inform your customers of exceptional promotions via a virtual number sms 

Otherwise, to attract a maximum of customers, there is nothing better than exceptional promotions. The customers are crazy about it. So, to keep them loyal, this is one of the best options. 

To make sure you inform all your customers, think about using sms via a French virtual number from Octopush. A service that will allow you to save money thanks to the local price. But it will also allow you to build a real relationship with your customers.  

Revive abandoned shopping carts by sms thanks to a French virtual number 

In addition, you should know that using a virtual number can also help you to directly contact the customers who abandoned their cart. Thanks to a good conversational service with this kind of customer, you can easily recover some of them. Another good reason to use Octopush and its locally priced sms.  

Follow up your inactive customers via a virtual number

Finally, to shake up inactive customers, Octopush’s virtual phone number sms can also help you. Afterwards, it all depends on you and your priorities. In any case, don’t forget that everything can be solved through good communication.  And that’s what our sms via virtual numbers offer.