Today, more and more companies are opting for the use of virtual numbers. However, there is no lack of modern communication methods. This leads us to wonder why this craze for virtual numbers? What is so special about this communication solution? 

In fact, whether it is for a company or an individual, renting a virtual number can have many advantages. At Octopush, we propose to discover together what are these advantages and how to exploit them. 

Buy a mobile number
Buy a mobile number

What is a virtual number? 

In short, a virtual number is a phone number linked to a virtual SIM set up on servers. Therefore, its operation is based on the cloud and on the use of the Internet. 

As mentioned earlier, virtual numbers are much more advantageous than traditional numbers. 

For example, we can note that: 

  • Virtual numbers use the Internet to make or receive calls and sms
  • The use of virtual phone numbers can be done on various devices (computer, smartphone, landline, etc.)
  • Virtual numbers allow for global coverage
  • The virtual cell phone allows to be charged at local prices 

At Octopush, what are the features of virtual numbers ? 

To buy your mobile number, Octopush is at your disposal.

First of all, note that the features offered by virtual numbers are numerous. It is therefore possible that the features in question differ from one provider to another. 

At Octopush, our virtual numbers are exclusively used to make conversation via sms. In other words, buying a mobile number from us does not allow you to make calls for the moment. Aware of what the use of sms can bring to our customers, we have chosen to specialize first in sending virtual messages. 

Why buy a mobile number from Octopush ? 

What is a virtual number ?
What is a virtual number ?

There are many reasons why we strongly advise you to subscribe to our conversational service via virtual messages. 

A fast, fluid and efficient communication thanks to a specialized platform

One of the considerable advantages that our users have is our specialized platform for sending sms. Indeed, it is true that sending sms allows to ensure a considerable rate of reading and derivability. However, to ensure effective communication, sending simple sms is not enough. 

This is why Octopush users have a specialized platform. So, goodbye hand typed sms and hello automation. A process that will ensure a real discussion with your customers and thus bring you even closer to them. 

In short, our conversational service via sms is irreproachable in terms of fluidity and speed. What to help you to ensure a proximity without equal with your customers. 

A process that puts your customers, prospects and foreign partners in confidence 

What is interesting with Octopush virtual numbers is that you have 33 different number locations. It is therefore perfectly possible to be in France and buy a number in Switzerland or Canada. In any case, whether you want to reach Paris, Luxembourg or any other city in Europe, buy your mobile number at Octopush.

This international coverage will allow you to contact various third parties through local numbers. A process that will help your foreign contacts to have more confidence in you. Indeed, when a person contacts another with a foreign number, there is always this fear that remains: the fear of scam. 

That’s why it’s to your advantage, before sending a message to a foreign contact, to buy a mobile number from their locality. 

Buy a mobile number to have a much cheaper conversational service 

Following the previous logic, using cell phones also allows you to save phenomenal amounts of money. Indeed, since you have the possibility of passing through various localities, you no longer need to send international messages. Either, at more or less exorbitant prices. 

On the contrary, you just have to rent a virtual number of the locality of your choice, to have the local sending prices. 

Note however that each mobile number corresponds to a location. You will have to rent several if you need to ensure an international presence. However, thanks to Octopush, this process is much easier. With only one registration (one account), you can rent as many virtual numbers of different localities as you want.  

Why buy a mobile number from Octopush ?
Why buy a mobile number from Octopush ?

Buy a mobile number for a better proximity with your customers 

For a company, to succeed in ensuring a good customer proximity is essential. And this, whether it is to retain customers or attract new ones. But also, eventually converting prospects into customers. 

At Octopush, this is what we offer with the help of our formidable conversational service. The combination of our virtual number sms offers and our specialized platform will undoubtedly allow you to create and maintain that all important relationship with your third parties.