To optimize the use of a virtual number, it is essential to have the best application to use it. Especially when you want to use the virtual phone numbers in question for business purposes. Like sending and receiving SMS to ensure a good conversation with its customers for example. 

Today, we propose to discover briefly how you can use virtual numbers after their rental at Octopush. This way, it will be much easier for you to get the maximum profit from your cell phone system.  

Virtual number application

But first of all, what is a virtual number at Octopush? 

Conventionally, a virtual number is a phone number that is not associated with any specific line. Also, it is not attached or connected to a physical device. Therefore, it does not require the use of a fixed line and a SIM card, which makes it much more convenient. 

The features of the virtual number are numerous and differ according to the number rental providers. 

At Octopush for example, our virtual numbers are exclusively used for sending and receiving SMS. And this, especially in order to ensure a good conversation with your third parties (customers, partners, suppliers, etc.) 

What are the advantages of using Octopush’s cell phone service?

First of all, note that with Octopush, you can rent several virtual phone numbers with a single registration. In other words, with a single account, you can easily have as many virtual numbers as you want. This is a great advantage for many companies that want to streamline their internal and external communication.  

Also take into account that our cell phone solution provides you with more than 33 destination countries. And this, at exclusively local prices. To ensure international coverage, our solution remains the best and most affordable for companies. With just one account, you can rent international virtual numbers to send and receive SMS from anywhere to any destination. 

You are in France and you are looking to contact customers in Canada at local rates? Octopush is there to serve you. 

Of course, these are just a few of the advantages of our cell phone service. At Octopush, using virtual numbers is very easy.

How to activate your virtual number at Octopush ? 

Before you can use it via any virtual number application, you must first activate your virtual number. 

At Octopush, the first step is to choose your virtual number among a selection of available virtual numbers. You will have to start by choosing the location you need for your number. Then, we will provide you with a list so that you can select the unique virtual number of your choice.  

Why activate your virtual number at Octopush ?

Using your virtual phone number requires the use of a device connected to the internet. Most of your interactions are to be done via a computer, a smartphone or a tablet. Provided that your device has an internet connection. This way, you will be able to properly manage your communications from any device. 

How to use the virtual numbers rented at Octopush ? 

When you rent one or more virtual phone numbers at Octopush, you have a customer area. This installation developed by us aims at helping you to fluidify your communication by SMS. 

Since everything is centralized on a single platform, you will be able to ensure a fast conversational service and to listen to your customers. A device that will help you get closer to them and build loyalty. But also, to eventually attract new prospects. 

Manage your virtual numbers from your company’s application with our SMS API

In addition to our customer area, we also allow our users to opt for an SMS API. A software that can be easily integrated into the applications of their respective companies, given its compatibility with several programming languages. 

How to get an SMS API to improve your conversational system? 

An SMS API can be obtained through a virtual number provider such as Octopush. Thanks to this software that can be integrated into our users’ applications, we can reach up to 196 countries. 

For a company, the installation of the Octopush SMS API on their application and sales platform can be very useful. Indeed, thanks to our SMS API, we can directly integrate a multi-channel approach to your application, platform or sales store. Especially since the use of SMS in a business communication process has a high reach and response rate.

How to get an SMS API at Octopush ?

At Octopush, the automation of the sending of virtual messages via the SMS API is possible. And this, whether on applications, software or information systems. In the same way, receiving incoming SMS messages from your customers all over the world can also be done via this software. And to help you keep an eye on the reception rates of the SMS sent by your virtual numbers, we also provide you with delivery reports. 

With this ingenious system, we ensure that you have two-way communication that can build lasting relationships with your customers.