Nowadays, being able to remain anonymous on online platforms gives you unparalleled peace of mind. Indeed, having a second anonymous line is the perfect solution to avoid someone spoiling your official number. Hence the very interest of the disposable SMS phone number to receive certain SMS online. 

The question that arises today is: what are the advantages of using a disposable number? At Octopush, we propose you to discover our detailed answer through this file. 

Please note that at Octopush, we do not offer a rental service for disposable numbers. Nevertheless, we thought it would be a good idea to present it because it is a service that remains advantageous. 

Disposable SMS phone number for SMS
Disposable SMS phone number for SMS

Protection against spam and advertising calls 

One of the main advantages of using a disposable SMS phone number is that it protects you from spam and advertising calls. Who among us, after signing up for a certain service, has never found himself under a ton of advertising spam? Nowadays, online platforms are ready to use any method to go fishing for information. Most often, for each small registration, an authentication number must be provided. And of course, this number obtained will not only serve as a decoration. 

In some sites, this request for information is justified by the notion “for more security”. So, it could be that someone wants to pretend to be you and to confirm your identity, you need to receive an SMS on your personal number. But as you probably know, this is just an excuse to get your personal number and to flood you with spam.  

The solution: disposable numbers 

It is to remedy this often very unpleasant situation that the disposable SMS phone number was born. These phone numbers allow you to receive SMS messages online in order to bypass the phone number verification. So, instead of providing your personal line, you offer a disposable virtual line. 

Whether you’re looking to sign up for WhatsApp, Tinder or even Netflix, if you’re looking to remain anonymous, disposable numbers are the way to go. 

A disposable virtual line exclusively for advertisements and promotional offers 

A disposable SMS phone number
A disposable SMS phone number

In a way, there’s nothing wrong with receiving offers and promotions from your favorite stores and stores. So having your inbox filled with spam is not really a problem in itself. Especially if you like shopping sites like Vinted, LeBonCoin, etc.  As long as you don’t get everything mixed up: business SMS, private SMS, etc.  

Here again, disposable numbers can help you. Not only for your registration on online platforms, but also to receive as much advertising spam as you want.

Having an entire line dedicated to receiving ads, spam and offers can drastically change your life. The chances of you losing your most important text messages in a ton of advertising will be banished. And you’ll feel much more organized and informed about new business offers. 

In fact, you have everything to gain! 

A temporary line that you can easily close 

In business, having several communication lines can be very useful. If some of them are sure to last through time, the customer service one for example, others will have to be closed. 

For example, we can take the case of a line used exclusively for recruitment. For a certain period of time, this phone number will be used constantly. Then, when the desired candidate is recruited, the line will have to be abandoned. Otherwise, recruiters and HR members would be at risk of being overwhelmed by a ton of text messages and calls from candidates. 

With the use of a disposable phone number, this problem is non-existent. You will be able to have your number available when you need it and delete it directly afterwards.

A much more affordable communication cost 

Still in the professional context, the use of a disposable SMS number also allows you to save a lot of money in terms of communication. Indeed, if you decide to opt for telephone subscriptions, the expenses will not be negligible. Just to receive SMS messages, you will have to install a telephone set at each office. With a disposable number, this step is no longer necessary. Each department of your company and each member of your company will be able to have their own disposable virtual line to receive the SMS they want. 

Without forgetting that the rates linked to virtual numbers are particularly affordable and that they allow to have even more advantages.  

At Octopush, we do not rent disposable numbers 

Although disposable numbers are a source of many advantages, at Octopush, we specialize mainly in the rental of virtual numbers. Indeed, in business, the use of virtual numbers can also be extremely useful. 

Rent a virtual number at Octopush instead
Rent a virtual number at Octopush instead

Nevertheless, if you are looking to rent disposable numbers, note that there are currently several applications and providers who will be happy to create them for you.