What is Meta-API?

It’s a platform for developers who want to quickly create easy to maintain APIs integrations without losing control.

You can create workflows with APIs and manage authentication, maintenance and performance.

How can I use Octopush with Meta-API?

You can accomplish this in three easy steps.

Step 1:

Signup on Octopush and create an account. This will give you your API & API Key.

(If you need help you can follow this tutorial, although is quite easy to create an account with us 🙂

Step 2:

Go to Meta-API and create an account by clicking on Free Trial

Step 3:

Voilà! You’re ready to start. You can now choose to Connect Octopush between +480 public API’s or, if you prefer, you can use Open Spells (more about later).

Octopush & Meta-API Integration
Octopush & Meta-API Integration

Qu’est-ce qu’un sort ouvert ?

Il s’agit de modèles prêts à l’emploi pour accélérer votre développement.

Vous trouverez tous les outils dont vous avez besoin pour créer une intégration rapide et fiable sans avoir à vous battre avec la configuration, les fonctionnalités non documentées, l’authentification, le déploiement sans serveur et la surveillance.

Il y a deux sorts ouverts que vous pouvez utiliser avec Octopush :

Pipedrive + Octopush
Pipedrive + Octopush

Pipedrive + Octopush → Voice SMS notifier:

This Spell is an example of how you can transform a text message to voice call to inform your customers

Bookeo + Octopush
Bookeo + Octopush

Bookeo + Octopush → Booking SMS Confirmation

This integration allows you to automate the sending of a text confirmation with Octopush when you receive a new reservation on Bookeo.

Integrate Octopush with +480 API’s using Meta-API:

Meta-API online catalog has 480+ APIs available, and this catalog is open to all the community and our users
Meta-API online catalog has 480+ APIs available, and this catalog is open to all the community and our users