For a company, the use of a virtual number can be a real revolution in terms of communication. Hosted in the cloud, virtual mobile telephony offers several advantages. In addition to the many benefits that the use of traditional telephony already offers. Combining the benefits of new technologies, the Internet and technical advances to create and strengthen ties with its customers.  

But what are the real benefits? And where to get virtual numbers? Octopush answers you right away with this complete file on the subject.  

Buy a virtual phone number : where and why ?
Buy a virtual phone number : where and why ?

Buy a virtual phone number : Why does your company need it ? 

As mentioned earlier, there is no lack of advantages to virtual numbers, especially in business. 

To internationalize your company’s activities 

If you want to conquer international territories, virtual phone numbers can be your best weapon. Indeed, nowadays, more and more companies are looking to go international. To attract the attention of partners and customers, these companies use all possible means. This includes telephony, one of the most effective communication channels for direct contact with third parties. 

Of course, in order to inspire much more confidence in these third parties, it is necessary to have a virtual and local number. That’s why, by buying virtual phone numbers, you allow your company to expand globally. At Octopush, when you order your virtual number, we let you choose between 33 different localities. Depending on your needs, you can rent as many virtual numbers as you want. And this, whether you are based in France or anywhere in Europe, or even in Canada. 

To be much more attractive to your customers 

The use of virtual numbers can also allow your company to benefit from a local image. That is, to inspire much more confidence in your customers and consequently, to attract more of them. Indeed, receiving an SMS from a virtual and local number seems safer than an international number (from another locality). 

Also, in order to project an image of trust, it is also advisable to promote a single contact number to your audience. This is something you can do perfectly well since a virtual phone number allows you to project calls and SMS to several devices. Or to answer several calls at the same time. A capacity that your customers will certainly appreciate. And how to considerably reduce the time of routing of the calls and the SMS.  

For a better organization of your company 

Why does your company need a virtual number?
Why does your company need a virtual number?

If there’s one thing that’s cumbersome in a company’s office, it’s the hundreds of telephone wires lying around. Even today, many companies still use private branch exchanges. That is, a wired communication, with call routing, extension and voicemail. 

Fortunately, thanks to the purchase of a virtual number, their presence is no longer necessary. Indeed, thanks to the virtual number, the need to have an independent company number is eliminated. So, goodbye to the different physical extensions and hello to the use of new technologies. 

To ensure a much better customer service 

In order for a business to thrive, it is important that it pays attention to its customer service. It’s all well and good to be able to sell, but it’s also important to be able to retain customers. That’s why a company’s customer service must be efficient and responsive. 

With a virtual number, no customer will ever go unnoticed by your company. Your productivity and performance will be increased tenfold. Your entire team and employees will be accessible from anywhere and your customer-company relationship will be better. 

In short, interacting with your customers will be extremely easy. Especially if you opt for the purchasing services of Octopush, which provide you with an ergonomic, responsive and customizable communication interface.  With as a bonus, an SMS API, an easy to install software and available in several languages. It can be integrated to all your applications, websites and stores. 

Where to buy a virtual phone number for my company ? 

Buying one or more virtual numbers in France is extremely easy. In just a few clicks, you can quickly find more than a dozen providers. However, make sure you choose the right one to be able to fully benefit from the advantages mentioned earlier. 

Where can I buy a virtual phone number for my company?
Where can I buy a virtual phone number for my company?

At Octopush, to configure a mobile virtual number, you must first create an account on our platform. Then, to proceed to its verification and to activate its services, you will have to contact the customer service. Once this step is done, we provide your business number at no cost and we take care of adding your devices, your business hours and your welcome messages. On your end, you will just need to provide us with the necessary information too.