In addition to this a la carte service, you also have our enterprise messaging API. A messaging platform that allows you to send and receive SMS, voice SMS and SMS 2.0 messages in one place. In other words, a great tool to fluidify your communication, which you can easily integrate into your own software.
In order to offer you the best services, our SMS API and online platform are always up to the task.
Our SMS API and online platform are always up to the task.
Subscription plans for voice SMS messages
Standard Plan
For € 9 / month, the price of each voice SMS you send is € 0.03 / SMS for sending to France.
Premium plan
For € 49 / month, the price of each voice SMS you send is 0.03€ / SMS to send within France.
Gold plan
For € 159 / month, the price of each voice SMS you send is 0.03€ / SMS for sending within France.
Corporate Plan
For € 449 / month, the price of each voice SMS you send is 0.03€ / SMS for sending within France.
If your intention is to create campaigns to other countries, we invite you to consult the international price list
A la carte service for voice SMS messages
The price of SMS messages is based on the destination and the type of message you send, as well as on the operator to which the SMS is sent. Octopush’s on-demand pricing allows you to benefit from a fair price, whatever the size of your company.
Buy voice SMS packs
You can order your voice SMS in bulk in the form of packs. At Octopush we guarantee you very competitive prices with no surprises. Below you will find a list of packages that you can buy.
- Order 300 Voice SMS for €9.00
- Order 1000 Voice SMS for €30.00
- Order 2500 Voice SMS for €75.00
- Order 10.000 Voice SMS per €300.00
- Order 50000 Voice SMS per €1500.00
Please note that the above prices are exclusive of tax. The voice message is calculated on an average duration of 30 seconds, then the billing will take place per second after the pick up and first 30 seconds. Only purchases of even quantities are allowed.
Order by credit amount
Once you have purchased your SMS messages, you will find a credit amount available at the top right of your dashboard. One of the advantages of the credit system is the versatility.
Although you have ordered SMS from France, your credit is available for any type of service on the platform. This means that you can use your credit to run international SMS campaigns, build landing pages to launch rich SMS, or of course compose voice messages.
When you create a free account with Octopush, you will receive a free credit equivalent to 5 SMS in France, however you can use it to send to other international destinations to test the service.
Sending voice SMS to different countries: what price?
International voice SMS allows you to communicate with customers in different countries through a text message that you compose but that will be transformed into a phone call. Whether it’s a one-to-one exchange or a mass communication, using international SMS allows you to contact people abroad even if they don’t have access to the internet. A voice SMS platform ensures that your message will be received in time regardless of the distance.
You will find the price per voice message on our platform for the most frequent destinations. Please note that the rates are expressed in euros:
- Price per voice SMS to England – 0.005 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to Belgium – 0.24 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to Switzerland – 0.04 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to the United States – 0.01 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to Tunisia – 0.355 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to Poland – 0.06 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to Greece – 0.045 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to Albania – 0.25 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to Algeria – 0.25 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to Germany – 0.01 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to Italy – 0.145 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to Egypt – 0.075 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to Spain – 0.105 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to Morocco – 0.01 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to Hungary – 0.035 € / voice message
- Price per voice SMS to Portugal – 0.225 € / voice message
Your destination country is not in this list? Contact us for a quote, our service is available to 190 countries worldwide.
Our other resources
- How to send a voice message by SMS ?
- How to send a voice message ?
- How to send a voice SMS with Octopush ?
- How to send an audio message by SMS ?
- How to make a voice SMS ?
- Send a voice messages by SMS : a solution for A2F
- Different solutions to send a voice message
- Send a voice text to people without cell phones
- How to send a voice message without calling ?
- Voice marketing : what challenges for companies ?
- Voice message on cell phone : what uses ?
- Voice message and their uses in business
- Voice SMS reader : your message read aloud
- Voice SMS