The best way to increase your company’s revenues is to launch a marketing campaign. The objective will be to reach a large number of people to obtain important incomes. Nevertheless, if a mass customer marketing campaign must succeed and bring real benefits, the professional advertising sms is a means not to be neglected for its success rate of the campaigns. Communication channel par excellence, the advertising sms offers multiple possibilities to put forward a product, a brand or a service provided that you have the right data. But, how to use it?
How to make a success of your advertising campaign by sending SMS marketing?
Well organized advertising campaign is the guarantee of real success. To do this, it is important to respect certain marketing rules. To begin with, you must define the commercial objective of your campaign. Given the rather limited size of the message (which is 160 characters including spaces), it is essential to clearly define all the contours of your marketing campaign.
For example, you need to know exactly what the main objective is. Is it an invitation to an event, a promotional offer or a contest? And, to whom do you want to address this communication message? Is it a young adult audience or a senior customer audience? By asking yourself these questions, you can optimize your entire campaign. Note that the step of defining the objective of the campaign is the most important. So, take the time to think carefully for the success of your marketing communication!
Then, you must target your audience. Indeed, the success of a good sms campaign depends essentially on the relevance of the targeting of your customers. This is why you must be extremely demanding on the sources used in the collection of your data.
Finally, move on to the writing of your sms. It must be simple, clear and catchy. To ensure its quality, structure the message in four parts. For example, you can start with a hook (i.e. a sentence of 3 to 4 words that will arouse the reader’s interest). Then, you can add a great offer and a contact link to lure the customer. Finally, finish the writing by adding the word “STOP”. This is mandatory to secure your message. It is also important to respect the regulations in force by sharing the right data.
SMS advertising: What does the law say to protect your customers?
For several years, a legal framework has been put in place to protect and secure the advertising SMS. Thus, only the advertising messages consented and approved by the targets can be sent. It is important to note that the sending of advertising sms is governed by the law.
It imposes strict regulations on the times at which these messages can be broadcast. However, the law allows the sending of advertising sms on working days from 8 am to 8 pm. On the other hand, the message can only be sent between 10 am and 8 pm on Saturdays. And, it is forbidden to send this type of advertising messages during holidays or days of rest.
The secret of an advertising campaign: the right message, to the right person at the right time
The mass advertising campaign is organized to enable you to acquire new customers while building loyalty. To do this, you need to study your target audience. The result? You can write the right message and address it to the right person. By respecting all the advertising regulations imposed by the law, your customers will be satisfied with your services and you will gain visibility.