Are you a marketing professional? You are certainly using all the means available to you in order to increase the income from your activities. Even though these different means have been put in place, you still can’t get the expected results. In this case, why not try sending sms messages via the web. Practical, economical and reliable, this new marketing strategy offers you many possibilities.
Sending SMS via web, SMS gateway: what do these terms mean?
In order to get a large number of customers via the Internet, it is important that you know these different terms. First of all, sending SMS via the web is a communication tool that allows you to exchange with your customers or prospects through simple messages. The objective of the sms via web is to transmit to your recipients invitations, promotional offers or order confirmations.
Secondly, the SMS gateway is a mechanism that allows a computer to send and receive text messages in the form of service transmissions. The messages are short and can be transmitted between local or international telecommunications networks. This means that you no longer need to send long emails to your contacts. Just use the SMS Gateway to get favorable feedback.
Finally, the SMS Gateway is a service for sending SMS via e-mail or web interface. Its purpose is to allow you to send flash SMS by displaying one or more mobile numbers from an internet connection. Very effective, the SMS Gateway adapts easily to new computerized systems. In this way, you will be able to write simple and clear messages. So, aren’t you tempted to offer the best to your customers through these new communication channels? The sms via web offers, by the way, many more advantages.
Goodbye technical problems of deliverability when sending mass messages
Web SMS is a digital channel that solves, in an instantaneous way, all the problems of deliverability that you may face.
- Simplicity and customization
The interface of web SMS software is set up to send text messages in large numbers. In addition to being intuitive and efficient, it is very fast. You will be able to send numerous messages in less than 3 minutes.
Moreover, you have the possibility to personalize your sms sending. Choice of sender name, memorization of message templates, management of “STOP sms” … Tools are offered to you to make your texts richer.
- An unparalleled quality for each mobile sending
Each mobile sms can be tracked in real time. You can access global or detailed statistics of your messages. In case of a favorable return, you will receive a precise acknowledgement of receipt. Moreover, you have the possibility to write quality messages. You can thus ensure the delivery of all your sms in the shortest possible time.
Send your mobile sms in mass via the web thanks to a platform without commitment!
Sending sms via the web is cheaper than a traditional campaign (for flyers or posters). You will be able to organize large sms marketing campaigns and benefit from an excellent quality/price ratio, in addition to an ultra-precise targeting of an online message service, for your communications.
Octopush is the right platform for you since it will allow you to set up your messages in order to benefit from a high reading rate simply online via a computer. This has nothing in common with e-mail or cell phone calls. Here you can be sure that your messages are read by the majority of recipients. Customer relations are guaranteed and you benefit continuously only with a computer and an online connection for each mass campaign.