The question that arises today is: how to use sms 2.0 to convert more customers. Octopush tells you everything.

SMS 2.0 to convert more customers
SMS 2.0 to convert more customers

What is sms 2.0? 

An sms 2.0 or enriched SMS is an enriched version of the classic sms. Its particularity lies in the existence of a hypertext link in the body of the sms, more precisely, at the end of it. Generally, an enriched sms is readable on all cell phones. The links are clickable on all phones with an internet connection. 

Why use sms 2.0 in business? 

Despite the emergence of different modes of communication today, sms are still very popular. Of course, instant messaging applications are convenient for communication. But only sms ensure an efficiency rate close to 100% in terms of deliverability and readability. In short, if you want your message to be received and read, it’s better to use telephony and sms. 

Unfortunately, succeeding in convincing customers with less than 160 characters is not easy. Too much information is missing. Hence the popularization of the use of sms 2.0. SMS that allow clickable links that redirect directly to the website of a company. Or even better, to a specific page called landing page, another effective tool to convert prospects into customers. 

Soon, the arrival of the RCS message will revolutionize SMS 2.0 and the marketing of companies at the same time. This evolution of sms available on Android phones will allow you to send voice recordings, selfies, GIFs and much more. For a company and for its communication (internal and external), this revolution can be a source of many new marketing opportunities. 

What are the advantages of SMS 2.0 in marketing? 

What are the advantages of SMS 2.0 in marketing?
What are the advantages of SMS 2.0 in marketing?

If sms 2.0 is currently gaining in popularity, it is because they allow companies to benefit from several advantages. 

Allows companies to stand out from competitors’ advertising offers 

These days, competition is fierce. If your company fails to stand out from the competition, your sales may continuously decline. To avoid this situation, it is therefore important that you use the right methods. In particular, sms 2.0 campaigns are very effective in converting prospects into customers. 

With sms 2.0, not only can you use your messages to stand out, but not only. With a good landing page, you’ll have an even better chance of getting your prospects to take action. To buy, to subscribe, to contact you, or to follow you. 

It’s not for nothing that more and more companies are launching SMS 2.0 campaigns. So don’t be left behind and start using this marketing solution. 

Dramatically increase the quality of the customer experience 

In order to convert your prospects into customers, you need to make sure that you perfect your customer experience. Your sms campaigns must therefore be attractive. And to do this, nothing is better than the insertion of a link that redirects to a landing page that is pleasant to see.  Not to mention that your customers will only have to click on the link to access the page. A convenience they will certainly appreciate.

The landing page is particularly important here. Because, it is this page that will trigger the conversion into customers. It will be necessary to pay particular attention to its design so that the sms 2.0 campaign is effective. 

Incites prospects to take action much more easily

The combination of sms 2.0 and landing page is ideal for getting prospects to take action. Your customers receive your message (impeccably written), they click on the link and are directly redirected to your landing page. Your landing page will allow you to provide the necessary information to convince your customers to act. To take advantage of a special offer for example, or to buy, rent, use a coupon or subscribe. 

By receiving simple text messages, this incentive to act is much less present. After all, you only have a hundred characters to convince the customer to do something. With sms 2.0, everything is made easier. 

How can your company use the sms 2.0 service? 

As you can see, sms 2.0 is a simple, effective and fast way to reach your prospects and reach your customers. Currently, all companies can use this method to achieve their goals. Indeed, there is no shortage of providers for this. 

Attract and convert several prospects thanks to Octopush
Attract and convert several prospects thanks to Octopush

To be able to send sms 2.0, we suggest you opt for the services of Octopush. Services that will not only allow you to send sms 2.0 to your customers, but will also help you create landing pages worthy of the name. This will allow you to attract and convert many prospects.