Within a company, the SMS MMS marketing campaign combo can be very useful.

Marketing techniques are part of the tools to boost economic activities. Several categories of campaigns can be organized. There are those based on SMS and MMS. These campaigns have their own advantages. But it is important to take into account certain criteria to ensure their effectiveness.

SMS MMS marketing
SMS MMS marketing

Define the objectives of your marketing strategy before the campaign

This is the ABC of any marketing strategy. It is your starting point for an SMS/MMS marketing campaign. You must determine the goal you want to achieve. These goals can be in relation to increasing your customer base or in relation to increasing your turnover. The goal can also be to conquer an unreachable market. These objectives must be perceived as challenges. 

It is with these elements in mind that you will determine the exact direction to give to your marketing strategy. These goals must be clear and precise to allow your campaign to send the best text message to your customers in bulk. 

Know how to differentiate the stakes of business prospecting by SMS and MMS marketing 

Send richer messages with the SMS MMS marketing combo
Send richer messages with the SMS MMS marketing combo

First of all, it is important to know the difference between the two systems. Thus, it will be easier to determine the impact of each of these marketing strategies. 

The SMS marketing strategy is, as the name suggests, based on SMS. These are small paragraphs of text of approximately 160 characters. The text message to be sent to prospects must therefore contain this number of characters. On the other hand, the MMS has ten times more characters than the SMS. Moreover, it is possible to integrate images, videos, gifs and many other elements. With MMS, the content sent is longer and more complete. However, SMS can be sent to every customer to all phones while there are some mobiles that cannot receive MMS. 

On the other hand, as far as the costs of prospecting are concerned, the sending of SMS is cheaper than MMS. A phenomenon that is understandable because these multimedia messages contain more elements. They therefore weigh much more than SMS. 

In addition, the SMS marketing customer as the MMS marketing presents an ease in the implementation. It only takes a few moments to set up the content. The speed is even more noticeable in comparison to the mobile marketing SMS since the number of characters is very low. Moreover, statistics have proven that 92% of the messages sent are received by the targeted customer.   

For a mix of SMS and MMS marketing: opt for the enriched SMS !

How to have successful SMS MMS campaigns ?
How to have successful SMS MMS campaigns ?

The enriched SMS is a message that contains a link. Thanks to this URL, the customer or the prospect will be redirected to a landing page still called Landing Page. This link contains many more elements than the message could have offered. Rich SMS can make marketing campaigns much more animated. There is no limit to the use of rich SMS. These tools can be used for many purposes in the personalized marketing strategy for each customer on all mobiles.

Indeed, rich SMS can be used to make messages unique for special occasions. Also, it can be used to refer customers to a video on other platforms. Rich SMS can also be used to give the location of a place. It can also be used to engage customers in contests.