Do you want to make all your sms message campaigns profitable? Do you want your customers to use your services more often? You need the web sms service. To promote your activities and increase the traffic on your website, the web sms service is the most suitable solution. With this tool, your company’s services will be more interesting. 

The Web SMS service

The Web SMS service: a way to centralize and make your SMS marketing campaigns more profitable

A web SMS service is a means through which one can communicate and exchange data between heterogeneous applications and systems. The objective is to manage mobile communication from a remote server. This creates a business intelligence system. In this way, it is possible to send and receive SMS from one’s server. 

Note that the SMS web service is generally presented in the form of an SMS gateway. It is materialized in the form of requests and HTTP codes. Thus, its user can manage a set of functionalities for sending and receiving SMS. There is no need to hire experts in the field. The service works synchronously without human intervention. Moreover, it offers many other advantages. 

Sending bulk SMS or personalized and individual SMS messages, automated or scheduled sending… A wide range of services is offered through this web service. Accessible via an API or professional SMS platforms, they allow you to advertise your products and services. They also help you manage all the requests for sending and receiving SMS. You will be able to manage the number of SMS to be sent, the list of recipients and the content of the messages.

A new strategy is very advantageous for marketing companies and each customer

This SMS message service allows you to track all messages sent by marketing companies. The result? You centralize all your different activities, so that you don’t lose any important information when creating contact with each customer. By setting the interface of your web page, you will receive notifications in real time. You manage all the services while preventing possible failures. Finally, your company benefits from a very important return with each message sent in mass! But, the sms web service doesn’t stop there. Thanks to its features, you can write more interesting sms. 

Push SMS VS Pull SMS
Push SMS VS Pull SMS

What is a push SMS?

Still called “push notification”, the push SMS is a generally short message. It is sent from a server to the mobile terminal (phone, smartphone, tablet, etc.) of users. Its purpose is to trigger a user session or to provide instant information. 

A little tip: you can use it during your sms marketing campaigns. Of course, you should not abuse it in order not to be blocked by the users. 

What is a pull SMS? 

To attract customers to your company, the pull SMS is the most used technique. It is a short message intended for the beneficiaries of your services. It allows you to collect the customers’ opinions while encouraging them to use all your services. 

You can make use of it by integrating in your SMS sweepstakes promotional offers, a URL link or any other activity that may attract the customer. The more you use this communication strategy, the more visibility you will gain.