For many years, marketing companies have always used different methods to develop all their communication strategies with their customers. Among them are newsletters, e-mails, posters, flyers, etc. Although these methods have brought many benefits to companies, they have not been effective on all levels. So the choice or creation of an SMS server appears as the best solution to evolve an SMS marketing strategy to develop the number of customers and contacts. 

SMS server

What is an SMS message server? 

The sms message server, unlike the API gateway service, is a software and hardware solution developed to meet the customer’s expectations. It can be installed internally at the customer’s site or externally through Internet SMS sending platforms or an API. It offers many advantages. 

For example, it allows efficient management of all messages to be sent. Multiple message logs, emails, faxes and voicemail messages are available on the sms message servers. These servers have software to check the status of the messages received. 

Therefore, you can use the sms servers for various activities, such as the distribution of promotional offers via SMS or invitation and confirmation of orders. You guarantee, then, a good return rate of your messages. 

Why use this kind of process to send your professional SMS via the web?

An http sms server allows you to follow in real time all your SMS sendings. You have access to a range of global or detailed statistics for each SMS message sent. It is also proposed to you models of message sms ready to send which take into account the portability of the numbers of your lists of contacts. All your messages are sent, received, read and approved by your recipients via each cell phone. 

Please note that the sms server does not charge you any setup fees or monthly fees for sending sms messages from the Internet to a cell phone. You just have to buy a customized sms package adapted to your needs, and that’s it! Moreover, you can personalize your communication, via your messages, by integrating a URL link, invitations or offers. You offer a rich and optimized reading to all your customers. They will be able to read and comment on your messages. You can gain visibility with your prospects!

Why use an SMS server?

The SMS server also has an intuitive and efficient interface. It allows you to send your SMS from the Internet, in mass or by unit in a few minutes (from the first use). A tool for sending sms online adapted to all formats is also available to you. You will be able to add or delete your contacts and each phone number, if needed. In short, you have all the keys in hand to successfully communicate with your audience. 

Use an SMS server to manage the sending of your business SMS via platform or API gateway

Since the big boom of marketing companies around the world, it is very difficult to keep up with the competition. However, you can stay in the race through the use of sms server. Use this communication strategy to send all your business sms. Speed up customer requests by integrating the sms server into all your activities. Do not hesitate to announce all the news developed by your company through the sms server.

Trust Octopush for your sms message campaigns either on our platform or via an API gateway! Our team accompanies you through the entire process of managing mass mailing. Discover also our virtual phone number offers to stay connected with your contacts and promote your service safely on the mobile network.

Don’t hesitate to find out more about our api offer for sending on cell phones!