ost of the businesses use known marketing methods like SEO, social media, emailing, and even offline methods like sending advertising emails. Despite the increasing use of mobile tools, many businesses have yet to try SMS marketing. It is a real paradox when you know the performance it generates.

Indeed, SMS has an open rate of 98% and a response rate of 45%, which makes it a very attractive platform to reach its customers. SMS marketing has already seen a boom throughout 2020, with trends emerging on the eve of 2021.

To learn more on the subject and understand how to take advantage of sending group SMS to generate income and retain B2B customers, hotels, cafes, and restaurants, we spoke with Josélito Tirados, Marketing Manager at Cafés Bibal.

– Can you present the Bibal company?

Master roaster since 1955, Cafés Bibal is a major player in the coffee sector in the South of France. More than 200,000 Bibal coffees are enjoyed every day in Languedoc-Roussillon and more particularly in Montpellier. The company offers a selection of coffee beans, ground coffees, Nespresso® compatible capsules, teas as well as coffee machines and their maintenance.

– How did you join the company?

As an associate consulting director within the agency Poppy Jikko, I joined the Bibal company 3 months ago for a 6-month mission in order to place a marketing strategy to boost their sales and customer retention.

– What problem were you looking to solve when you decided to use the services of Octopush?

  1. Communicate effectively with managers of cafes, hotels and restaurants

The sales teams themselves deliver orders to customers. This is the opportunity to be able to discuss, present new products and place orders.

However, we wanted to be pro-active and communicate these updates in order to generate interest and provide useful information to generate additional sales at the time of delivery.

“This strategy was previously executed through e-mails. On the other hand, we found the results ineffective, for the simple reason that professionals in the hotel and catering industry receive a lot of e-mails that they do not read. not or end up marked as spam”Mr. Tirados.

During a visit with the sales team, I realised the importance of the mobile phone tool, the only tool these managers use and have at their fingertips, ”he says.

It therefore seemed obvious to me that sending bulk SMS would be the ideal ally for our inbound communications with these customers.

2. Automatically send messages to our technicians in the event of a coffee machine failure.

Boutique Cafe Bibal
Cafes Bibal: 1er Torréfacteur de café à Montpellier

Maison Bibal provides its customers with vending machines for hot and cold drinks.

The technicians take care of upkeep, maintenance, and repair in the event of a breakdown. We were therefore looking for a tool that could automatically send SMS to technicians in order to warn them in the event of a breakdown so that they can intervene.

3. Why did you choose the Octopush SMS platform?

With this idea in mind, I started looking for SMS sending platforms with an API to solve both our B2B communications with customers and our communications between machines and technicians. Speaking with my associates, I found that they were already using Octopush to send SMS marketing campaigns with other agency clients, and were very happy with it. So I too decided to use this tool for Cafés Bibal communications.

“Octopush is a simple and economical way to send bulk SMS. The interface is easy to use which makes it easy to learn.”

– What do you think of SMS as a means of communication with your customers? Are they satisfied with it overall?

SMS marketing is very effective and makes it easier for our sales teams because customers take the step to ask for more information on products and promotions of the moment, either by replying to the sms sent, or directly at the time of deliveries by our teams.

Introducing our products before these visits makes all the difference and sales are affected!

– A final word?

The sms is a powerful vector of communication for the brands which wish to maintain a conversation of quality with their customers and partners. Octopush is a perfect tool to start this conversation.

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