The SMS reminder of appointment is a solution source of many benefits in business. For cell phone users, there is no shortage of sms. They allow you to communicate with your family and friends, but they are also used by companies. The latter use them for different missions and mainly to keep in touch with their customers. This is the case of appointment reminder messages which are advantageous on many points. Simple enough to set up, this option is more and more used by professionals of various sectors to optimize their agenda. Find out why in this file.

SMS appointment reminder : Why use this solution ?
SMS appointment reminder : Why use this solution ?

Why choose an SMS appointment reminder solution? 

An SMS reminder solution can be advantageous for companies on several levels.

Improve your customer relationship

Sending an appointment reminder sms allows you to optimize your customer relationship. It is then easier to confirm or cancel an appointment without having to take many steps. One could consider appointment confirmation messages as a marketing tool in its own right, important for certain activities. 

In addition to being used for reminders, they are quite effective for launching promotional campaigns. At the end of the appointment, sms can be used to thank the customer or the patient as the case may be. 

A simple system to set up

The implementation of an SMS communication system remains rather easy to set up for the different companies that wish to set up reminders. Even for a small structure, it is always possible to have it without having to use the big means. A simple subscription by phone usually allows you to take advantage of this option. In addition to traditional operators, various other options exist to benefit from sms reminders at will like our Octopush platform to optimize your agenda.

Personalized messages

Here is another important advantage that you can enjoy with an appointment confirmation sms. Thanks to this option, it is possible to write a personalized message with the name and surname of the recipient to set up reminders. The structure that sends the message can also include this information. SMS appointment reminders allow you to treat each case in its specificity. The messages can be sent at different times. 

Save time and money by automating the sending of your appointment reminders

The sms is a tool that offers fast communication and thus in real time that allows to transmit information. It allows the company to have a privileged relationship with its customers. By automating your SMS appointment reminders, you save on the time you will have to write and send messages to each customer. This way, the staff in charge of this task can take care of other more profitable business for the company. These messages can also be scheduled to be sent on a specific day and time to reduce absenteeism through our marketing platform. It is also possible for the recipient to send you a confirmation reply in turn. 

Canceling an appointment becomes easier for you and your patient!

SMS appointment reminder reduces appointment cancellation rate

Send SMS appointment reminders: Reduce the cancellation rate of your appointments 

SMS appointment reminders via Google Calendar or other platforms allow you to increase customer engagement with your business. This simple reminder can give a more professional image to your company and force your partners to show up for every appointment.  Thus, they reduce the risk of cancellations and rescheduling of appointments by simply sending them without the need for a response from the patient. 

Moreover, when appointments are scheduled several weeks in advance, forgetfulness is one of the main reasons for cancellations, which leaves holes in your schedule. With an SMS reminder, you can be sure that your clients and partners will be aware of your appointments as they approach the agreed date.