Increasingly popular, mobile SMS marketing allows companies to achieve better results with their customers. Recently, many studies have revealed that in the course of a day, mobile users consult their phone dozens of times. Also, according to several sources, since September 2015, the number of Google queries made on mobiles worldwide is higher than those made on computers. So much so that the uses of mobile devices are nowadays unavoidable to exploit for every company.

Mobile marketing
Mobile marketing

What is mobile marketing? 

Mobile marketing is also called m-marketing. It includes all marketing techniques that are compatible with the use of mobile devices such as phones and mainly smartphones connected to the Internet to contact your typical customer. 

In a broader sense, mobile marketing can be defined as marketing actions that are oriented towards future customers in a mobile situation. 

Why integrate mobile marketing campaigns into your strategy?

Instantaneousness, targeting and personalization of content, possibility to perform voice searches… There are indeed a thousand and one reasons to integrate mobile marketing in your business campaign strategy via the Internet to find new customers. 

Indeed, you may not know it, but mobile marketing on smartphones is a powerful lever for all companies, just like the use of social networks or natural referencing. 

Thanks to the smartphone, the consumer or customer can have access to information when he needs it, no matter where he is. This need for real-time information is met by mobile marketing, thanks to local mobile referencing and geolocation via the Internet or via the content found on social networks. 

In addition, m-marketing also allows one to determine the needs of each consumer as long as he uses his phone to do his research. Mobile marketing thus favors a better targeting and personalization of content on social networks but not only. In the long run, this allows to build customer or consumer loyalty. 

Also, thanks to this concept, it is easier to propose more creative content such as animated photos or interactive videos in a dedicated campaign for a better engagement rate. 

In addition, the mobile marketing strategy of companies also requires adapting to voice search. There is no need to type a query on a search engine, only smartphones are sufficient. 

Why integrate mobile marketing into your strategy ?
Why integrate mobile marketing into your strategy ?

Mobile message marketing: the channel to integrate into your business marketing strategy

Do you have an e-commerce site? Do you rent cars or sell insurance? No matter what business you’re in, you’ll gain a lot by integrating mobile SMS marketing into your strategy. 

With all its advantages, it would be a shame not to make the most of it. As far as the cost is concerned, it should be remembered that SMS marketing via mobile helps you save money. Indeed, compared to other traditional campaigns, its cost is clearly very accessible. 

Moreover, it should be known that the reading rate of a mobile SMS is 95% and its average opening time is 4 minutes. Similarly, the return rate for an SMS marketing is between 20% and 30%. This is what makes SMS marketing, a major ally in the adoption of an effective marketing strategy, efficient and very affordable.