The main reason why companies should be interested in the SMS campaign is its effectiveness. Today, this technique represents a unique alternative for better business management. Offers, purchases, services… Everything is implemented in order to offer customers products of superior quality. Thus, owners who do not have much time can reach their customers directly using good practices. This will help build customer loyalty. But, how do you do this? Here’s what you need to know about the benefits of good direct sms marketing practices.

Direct SMS marketing to create a direct link with your contacts via a communication campaign
Direct SMS marketing to create a direct link with your contacts via a communication campaign

The rules of good practices of direct marketing by SMS

In direct marketing, there are rules that you must know. To begin with, you should never give your potential customers the impression that you are spamming them. Take into account that not all customers are the same. It is the same when you do promotion or communication campaigns. So make your text message attractive. Make the promotion attractive to customers so that they choose to subscribe. 

Whether it’s a birthday or a store promotion, an SMS should never exceed 160 characters. That’s the time limit for a simple, unique and accessible message. So avoid colloquial language and don’t try to add capital letters or even emoticons. Better yet, if you’re talking to your prospects about a sale, let them know (in the text) when it ends to build pressure. You can insert data for better localization. 

While writing your copy, it is also important to include a “call to action”. This is a valuable guide to almost any direct marketing campaign, including SMS. This technique involves using a “click here” button that leads to your website. For example, two words like “Buy Now” will work well to advertise a product. For other services, you can use this technique to attract the customer. 

In addition, you can do an sms presentation, sms direct marketing or sms promotion. That’s why there are business messaging platforms available to provide users with free tools. This is the case with message templates that simplify the process even more.

Best practice rules for direct customer marketing via SMS
Best practice rules for direct customer marketing via SMS

Make sure you have the consent of the people you contact

This is a very important rule. Although you have good intentions, you should not neglect the opinions of your customers on the mobile web. They must give their consent before sending a communication. In addition, you must include the word “STOP” in your message to allow the customer to unsubscribe at any time. In addition, do not forget the broadcasting hours intended for SMS marketing. Respect these conditions and you will gain more customers. 

Communication campaign: keep your message short and punchy

Did you know? The simpler your messages, the more likely your customer will be receptive. So make your message shorter and easier to understand. Of course, you can write a personalized message. In the case of a marketing sms, just adapt it according to each customer. Moreover, don’t hesitate to use promo codes to attract new customers. This way, customers that you have had for a while can receive invitations for rewards. 

Also try to add value to your message with discounts and other unique special offers. Integrating multimedia content (with data) will also allow you to enrich your sms. You will then invite your customers to fill their shopping carts.