Over the years, marketing companies have developed many communication strategies such as SMS. The objective was to boost the sale of their products and services. However, these strategies have not been sufficient to make SMS marketing a pole of development. Today, the best solution to make the activities of a company more dynamic is: SMS marketing campaigns via a web service or tool. 

SMS marketing solution
SMS marketing solution

How to make an sms marketing campaign?

Still called “marketing by sms”, SMS marketing is a means through which you can send promotional campaigns or transactional messages. In general, it is by sending a text message (or sms) that we can make these campaigns. It should also be noted that these messages are intended to communicate on time-limited promotions, alerts or notifications to customers. There is no doubt that this strategy helps you to have better visibility. 

To do sms marketing, our first advice will be: start by identifying yourself to your customers. This way, there will be more chances that they will read your message. For this, you can personalize the sender of mobile sms. Then, you must write simple messages, easy to read and well readable. Go to the essential while respecting the rule of 160 characters. A little advice: only propose one offer per sms. It can be a special gift, a promotional offer or a product purchase. 

In addition, do not hesitate to capture the attention of your customers. To do this, use strong keywords in each message. They must jump out immediately to the eyes of the prospects. Finally, offer a way to unsubscribe to your customers. This allows you to gain their trust. 

When to start a mobile sms campaign? 

SMS marketing is a very effective communication solution. It gives you the opportunity to build customer loyalty. But, to take advantage of this solution, you need to organize an sms campaign, preferably on a mass mailing management platform. The latter must be done at any time. Thus, you can identify the elements likely to interest your contacts in order to attract them. 

Better yet, you can organize an SMS campaign on a management platform as soon as you notice that the number of your customers is decreasing. Often, they want to see something new, new products and a new range of services. It is therefore necessary to innovate in order to maintain their loyalty. So, do not hesitate to send campaigns not by email but by sms to promote an offer or a service. On the other hand, you must respect certain data such as the availability times of your customers (of your contacts) during the campaigns. 

The right SMS marketing solution allows you to attract the right customers and prospects
The right SMS marketing solution allows you to attract the right customers and prospects

Measure the effectiveness of your campaigns with an SMS marketing solution for all your contacts

SMS campaigns represent the royal way to communicate with your customers. They convey the identity, the brand, the style and the values of a company. For this reason, they should not be organized lightly in order to get the most out of them. It is important to respect the rules for a successful mailing campaign. It will be necessary to set up a certain number of actions, including the sms marketing solution on a mass mailing management platform.

Unlike sending by email, achieving the same results and benefits while saving time only via a powerful web tool can only be positive! Indeed, it is no longer proven that email prospecting does not work as well as SMS. Also, we strongly advise you to use a tool or a service dedicated to companies to contact your prospects. On the one hand to avoid being blacklisted by operators and on the other hand to limit the number of human errors especially in data manipulation.

In fact, you can evaluate the results of your SMS marketing campaigns with this solution. To do this, you need to write simple, clear and easy to understand sms that have benefits for your customer. This way, your company will experience real success with each mass mobile sending to your contacts!