Of all the existing marketing strategies, the multi-channel strategy is certainly the one with the most advantages. Indeed, the multichannel marketing strategy is a perfect development asset for companies. Because this solution allows us to innovate the customer experience through more strategic communication channels thanks to its customizable support. With digitalization, proximity communication is very useful to offer efficient customer service.

At Octopush.com, you have various channels at your disposal to boost your customer relations. Virtual number, HLR lookup, voice SMS, Rich SMS or Whatsapp and many other channels are available. So, you might as well take advantage of the multi-channel marketing strategy to stand out from the competition and attract your target customer. 


The advantage of the multichannel strategy in the improvement and the development of customer loyalty

Octopush is a platform that offers a multi-channel marketing strategy with various advantages to companies. The aim is to optimize customer relations and provide a proximity service.

After a fruitful experience in sending SMS and voice SMS, our platform is currently expanding even more. Thus, we propose a multi-channel communication strategy to accompany entrepreneurs in their marketing approach.

This new approach to communication will benefit companies in their profitability thanks to a well-defined customer target and an efficient distribution strategy.

Among these channels that our Octopush platform offers, we distinguish :

  • The virtual number, which is a conversational support to be available to customers and offer a practical support to accompany each user; 
  • The SMS marketing is sent en masse to all users. A practical tool for a sales campaign;
  • The SMS alert or transactional allows to confirm or verify each user’s request;
  • The enriched SMS or SMS 2.0 is accompanied by a landing page that directs the user to other company media, newsletters, video …
  • With the HLR Lookup, the company can check its databases to better target its customers. 
What are the advantages of a multi-channel strategy ?

Tools to boost your customer base: improve the profitability of your marketing campaigns

A multi-channel distribution strategy has a direct benefit on the target customer. By multiplying the different communication channels, the company’s services and benefits are closer to the customers.

First of all, with the enriched SMS or the HLR Lookup, the company can satisfy and understand its target audience better. This adaptation to the customer’s request will optimize the sales and guarantee a better profitability.

Secondly, it should be noted that a multi-channel strategy offers a higher cost/benefit ratio. Indeed, the use of communication channels such as email, SMS marketing, social networks are less expensive than traditional media to develop the sale of your services and products.

Moreover, the advantage of the multi-channel strategy lies in its ability to prioritize the relevant channels adapted to the budgets and targets of the company.

At Octopush, the company is closer to its audience with the solutions proposed on the platform to increase your distribution channels in terms of communication on different media and networks. An SMS marketing service completed by a virtual number, after the verification of your contacts via the HLR Lookup is a boon for a more profitable sales campaign.

Sales strategy: stand out from the competition with a powerful multi-channel marketing strategy

The main advantage of a multi-channel marketing strategy for a company is that it can satisfy customers at any time. 

Choosing the most relevant channels will facilitate access to the offer and stimulate the user to buy. Indeed, a satisfied customer is probably loyal and will be more sensitive to the next offer. 

Moreover, with tools like SMS marketing, the customer target is more defined as well as the adapted sales formula. This gives you a head start over your competitors with respect to a targeted clientele. 

On the other hand, the multi-channel marketing strategy allows you to expand your company’s activity and attack new markets or increase online sales via channels that allow the relationship with your customers (especially social networks).