No field has been left out of the numerous technological evolutions. The service marketing sector has not escaped either. This field has seen the birth of products related to white label SMS. This technique makes it possible to provide companies and freelancers with a platform for sending SMS marketing campaigns. Become an SMS reseller and offer the best professional SMS platform to your customers.

SMS white label

What is white label SMS? 

Understanding the concept of “white label SMS” requires some understanding.

It is a network system that puts in contact a producer and a person or a company in charge of the distribution within the framework of the implementation or the marketing of a service or one or several products. In this case, the producer is responsible for the manufacture of his product or services. 

But he resorts to the distributor to proceed with the marketing. The latter affixes its brand to the product. Thus, it is the distributor’s image that is sold to the customer. For the customer, the product or service consumed is a product of the distributor. 

This phenomenon is nothing new. It is a practice that is commonly used in several fields. It is the sector of maintenance, cleaning, etc.. But nowadays, this process has become more widespread. It is more and more used in the field of IT, communication, etc. For each type of customer, there is a solution. 

This makes it easier to access businesses with a high cost of entry into the market by benefiting from the technology of a recognized mobile services platform solution.

Mobile services platform: What about white label SMS?

SMS marketing is a technique increasingly used in the advertising sector. It is true that it is not a very complicated process, but it requires special attention for its success. Hence the usefulness of white label SMS resellers. 

The process consists in entrusting the sending of its professional SMS to structures specialized in the field. It is not excluded that the task is entrusted to an individual either. The SMS reseller therefore manages the sending of the SMS advertising campaign of its customers via the best network.

His client then has a powerful communication service to get in touch simply via the mobile channel.

Become a white label SMS provider

The advantages of becoming a white label SMS provider with Octopush for your customer

Open an independent account and benefit from :

  • Access to all our mobile products and services;
  • A total freedom in the definition and management of your price list;
  • A generic graphic charter.

Moreover, your white label will be hosted on our servers. But we offer you the possibility to create and host your showcase site in total freedom.

Also, you will be able to create customer accounts (sub-accounts) that will be linked to your reseller account. You will be able to follow the activities of each customer and apply the price list you want by offering the best service on the market.

Offer the best SMS platform on the market to your prospects

You want to provide your prospects with the best mobile SMS platform on the market. We help you to make your wish come true thanks to the best network. 

Indeed, by creating an SMS seller account with us, we offer you the possibility to make available to your customers, an SMS sending interface with your own logo, color and style. In short, you customize your interface. This will allow you to better meet the requirements of your customers on a mobile service solution.