You’ve heard about marketing campaigns and in an effort to expand your customer base, you’ve decided to take the plunge. But the problem is that your marketing messages are usually drowned in the mass, because their reading rate is not often high. What if, like many entrepreneurs, you opt for a marketing campaign via an SMS platform? It is a communication channel that is very popular. Unfortunately, it is still under-exploited. What does an SMS marketing campaign consist of? How can you improve the conversion rate of your marketing campaigns thanks to SMS towards your future customers? 

Perfect your marketing campaigns with the use of SMS

Mobile message marketing: An acquisition channel still under-exploited

The success of a company does not only depend on the quality of its products. To improve its sales, getting known is not an option, but rather a necessity. This is done by organizing customer campaigns through the sending of SMS among others. But today, we know that not all campaigns are equal. 

The multi-channel SMS marketing campaign has many advantages. Unfortunately, it is under-exploited. For example, today the read rate of an SMS campaign is 95%. 

Moreover, the average opening time of an SMS is 4 minutes. Speaking of its cost, it is known to all that the SMS marketing campaign is extremely economical. Indeed, the SMS rate is up to 10 times less expensive than a paper campaign or a telephone reminder. 

Communication solution: what is an SMS marketing campaign? 

An SMS marketing campaign can be defined as an organized action plan that is intended to promote a specific objective of the company. This can be brand awareness or the sale of a product or service. 

The main advantage of SMS marketing is that it is clear, precise and concise. When you consider the read rate and its low economic cost, sending SMS marketing is certainly one of the keys to reach more people and increase your company’s turnover.  

Improve the conversion rate of your marketing campaigns with SMS

During an SMS marketing campaign, the conversion rate is certainly one of the most important points. Thanks to this rate, you have the possibility to calculate the return on investment of your campaigns, the hit per purchase/customer and also to know if your marketing corresponds to the set objectives. 

But as you know, not all SMS marketing campaigns are equal. There are indeed some tips to put all the chances on your side, in order to improve the conversion rate of your marketing campaigns management thanks to the SMS gateway:

  • The personalization of your message;
  • The inclusion of a call to action (CTA);
  • The use of A/B tests for web SMS.

Personalization is a very important factor. According to some studies, prospects (aka your future customers) who have viewed personalized content messages have a higher conversion rate. That said, you will gain a lot by addressing your customer contacts by their first name or title even via SMS. 

SMS marketing campaign
How to improve the conversation rate of your marketing campaigns through the SMS gateway ?

Moreover, as you know, classic SMS messages only offer 160 characters. Therefore, the words must be well chosen. Since only the first few words of a business message are visible before the SMS is opened, it is important that they are a call to action. There is no better way to increase your chances of being read by your future customers. 

In addition, by using A/B testing for SMS, you have the opportunity to evaluate different approaches, different products and different objectives. After having performed this test, you could adopt what works best for you for your campaign to send to your contacts.

Do not hesitate to discover our platform and the high quality service that Octopush can offer you for your contacts.