We talk to the manager of the company E-space Voyance, to have an overview of his experience with the SMS tool as well as the Octopush API and to know how he uses it to help him retain its customers.

– Can you present E-space Voyance online platform and how you launched your company?

E-space Voyance is an online clairvoyance platform there to bring you reliable and quality clairvoyance. Being in the world of web development, we decided to launch this joint project by using our digital knowledge.

We spent a year developing the app and website, which have been online for a year now.

e-spacevoyance.fr Logo

– Why did you decide to use an SMS solution to contact your customers?

We needed communication tools to connect our customers with the psychics on our platform.

Customers log in, buy credit on their account, psychics do the same, which then gives them access to our matchmaking services. A lot of platforms work this way.

However, we have identified that most of the competing platforms only use calls, online chat tools and emails.

We have therefore decided to differentiate ourselves by offering real, direct and human contact by SMS via the Octopush API.

Thanks to the integration of the Octopush SMS service on our platform, the client and the psychic are connected directly by means of SMS. The customer buys SMS packs in the form of credit on our platform in order to be able to communicate directly with each other.

We also send automatic text messages to alert them to the depletion of their text message balance.

In addition, we offer the possibility for customers to speak by chat, phone, or emails and we also use SMS to alert sighted people who have received a consultation via these communication channels and remind them of their appointment thanks to the pro SMS service which is instantaneous.

e-spacevoyance.fr ScreenshotScreenshot
e-spacevoyance.fr Screenshot

– How do your customers find the experience of Octopush services?

“We have had positive feedback from our customers because we are the only ones to offer this form of networking at the moment. Many of our customers have become loyal thanks to this service which differentiates us from the competition. “

Our clients are autonomous thanks to this service which allows them to consult from their phone while remaining on our platform because personal contacts are never communicated.

– What are the main benefits you receive from using the Octopush service?

“We chose Octopush over its competitors because I had very good contact with the developer and the customer service person from the start. I also found the API documentation to be very simple, clear, and comprehensive which made the job easier.”

If there is a problem, I know I can count on Octopush and speak to someone knowledgeable, who responds quickly and can help me solve it. It is this quality of service that makes the difference in my opinion. We are very happy with the service of Octopush and would not hesitate to recommend the platform and API to friends.

In the future, we also plan to use Octopush for two-point authentication activities by sending a code by SMS when this becomes mandatory in order to be in compliance with French law.

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